
Finer Wealth 360

WEALTH 360 EXCLUSIVELY For Finer Wealth Management Clients

Welcome to Finer Wealth 360...

The Defiant Spirit: WEALTH 360 Enneagram system, exclusively for Finer Wealth Management clients.

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Dr. Baruch HaLevi, but you can call me “B.” 

I have known Michael Finer for over twenty years, first as his rabbi, then as his friend and later client, and for the past few years, as his business partner culminating in this program, Finer Wealth 360. This program brings together the Enneagram, a personality typing system, together with the work of my teacher and mentor, Dr. Viktor Frankl. Dr. Frankl was a Holocaust survivor, author of over forty books including his highly acclaimed book, “Man’s Search For Meaning,” and father of logotherapy (meaning-centered therapy). I’m not only a student of Dr. Frankl’s, but a logotherapist, working with clients to discover deeper meaning in their lives, greater purpose for their lives, and to cultivate resilience, or as Dr. Frankl called it, “the defiant power of the human spirit. 

Michael and I are proud to be able to offer you Finer Wealth 360. First, let us tell you a little more about it, and why it will benefit you.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”

-Dr. Viktor Frankl

Why Finer Wealth 360

discover deeper meaning around money, Communicate more effectively about money, and to experience our money as true wealth

Michael and I created Finer Wealth 360 for multiple purposes. 

First, we want to provide both his team, and his clients a new way to personalize the wealth management experience, understand one another in a deeper way, and truly connect. As you’ll discover, that is what the Enneagram is all about.

Second, we want empower his clients – you – around money and finances. The vast majority of us, as Dr. Frankl suggests, live in reaction to our circumstances, and nowhere is the more true than around our finances. However, we don’t have to live in reaction, and through the principles and strategies you’ll discover in this program, you’ll learn how to stop feeling reactive around money, take back your power and choose your response. 

Third, Finer Wealth attracts and serves truly top-notch people. Really, the type of client who ends up working with the Finer Wealth team, tends to not only want to grow their wealth, but to thoughtfully, consciously and intentionally experience what we call True Wealth – which is so much more than money. True Wealth involves growing one’s wealth, sharing one’s wealth, and leaving one’s wealth to the next generation as a lasting legacy for generations to come. 

As you will soon experience, all of this is what The Defiant Spirit: Finer Wealth 360 will do for you.


WEALTH 360...

WEALTH 360 combines Meaning Coaching and Teaching, together with the Enneagram (pronounced any-uh-gram), a scientifically validated personality assessment and typing system. Much like its counterparts DISC, Strengthfinders, and MBTI, today it is a well known personality typing and system to a better understand what we value, how we communicate and move through the world. However, the defining difference of the Enneagram is that it provides us an entirely new way to understand how we and others react in all areas of life, but particularly when it comes to money, finances and wealth. Once we understand how we react, we can choose another way – choose to stop reacting and start responding. So here’s how it works.

Here’s How It Works

Enneagram Assessments

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We have created an easy-to-use, online program that will help you discover your Enneagram number. Alternatively, we can also provide you with an online Enneagram test. Either way, we will then get you into an online program to help you understand your Enneagram type and how it can empower you to experience true wealth in your life. 

Meaning Coaching

Finer Wealth has made available Meaning Coaching sessions with Baruch. Either by phone/Zoom, he meets with clients to discuss different aspects of their finances and their life to discover deeper meaning, communicate more effectively and experience true wealth in all aspects of their lives.  

Connect WIth Us

Whether you are a financial service provider or an investor, we would love to hear from you and discuss how we might best serve you. Feel free to reach out. We’d love to hear from you. Email us below or call:  720.930.4972

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