Author name: Dr. Rabbi Baruch HaLevi

The Only Question You Have To Answer To Grow, Be Happy & Free: Are You Response-Able?

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.” -Dr. Viktor Frankl Having guided thousands of people through nearly every twist, turn, and tragedy life offers, here’s what I know to be true. Whether […]

The Only Question You Have To Answer To Grow, Be Happy & Free: Are You Response-Able? Read More »

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Discovering David In The Mangled Marble And Realizing You Too

As legend has it, Michelangelo carved the famous statue of David out of a piece of marble discarded by other sculptors.  Why did others discard it? Because it appeared to be an inferior piece of marble: stained, broken, unworthy, and beyond salvation. But they were no Michelangelo. This man’s mastery lay not only in skills

Discovering David In The Mangled Marble And Realizing You Too Read More »

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Outrageous Faith Even If You Don’t Believe In God

Since the beginning of time, human beings have turned to faith, religion, and spirituality as a refuge during the world’s storms, a pathway through personal struggles, and a roadmap to navigate when life’s darkness descends. Today, however, when we find ourselves, individually or collectively, within the storms, many of us (perhaps the growing majority of

Outrageous Faith Even If You Don’t Believe In God Read More »

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